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Friends of SAM Shortline (FOSS)  is a non-profit 501 C-3 organization that, as part of the State Department of Natural Resources Friends program, supports the Georgia State Parks excursion train. The mission of Friends is to partner with, promote and preserve the SAM. (Savannah, Americus and Montgomery) The Friends work with state and community leaders to help make sure that our cultural resources are well protected, well maintained and well preserved for generations to come. The Friends keep railroad history alive in Southwest Georgia while connecting tourists to the farmland, rural scenery and President Jimmy Carter’s heritage.  In order to do so the group raises additional funds to supplement the budget for special and unexpected projects. The funds are also used for the upkeep and maintenance of the passenger cars, stations and other property. FOSS also provides additional volunteers to help operate the SAM trains. In addition to support of the rolling state park, the SAM friends also promote passenger safety and volunteerism and market memberships to Friends of Georgia State Parks and historic sites. 

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